name: Cameron Tegwyn BURTON
dob: 1951.06.17
EMIS: 464
phone: 07476 823 261

Latest update 22:45 Monday (Oct 11th)

Dear Abu,
I brought in two weeks of BP readings Friday afternoon, covering Sept 24 to Oct 7.
I am entering further readings below and shall aim to update twice a day (but did not manage to on Saturday).

yyyy.mmm.dd hh:mm    SYS/DIA (pulse)

2021.Oct.08 13:50    146/85  (99bpm)
2021.Oct.08 14:00    133/82  (98bpm)
Re the above two: i was somewhat rushing to get ready to come up to the Practice (but it was well over an hour before i actually set out)!

2021.Oct.08 16:30    128/83  (98bpm)
2021.Oct.08 16:40    135/86  (95bpm)
Those were after getting home and a bit of a breather, but pulse still high.

Friday, late night:
2021.Oct.09 01:45    134/83  (71bpm)
2021.Oct.09 01:50    135/74  (72bpm)

2021.Oct.10 14:45    139/76  (73bpm)
2021.Oct.10 14:50    139/74  (75bpm)
2021.Oct.10 19:35    133/85  (88bpm)
2021.Oct.10 19:40    131/73  (55bpm)??
2021.Oct.11 02:40    131/79  (74bpm)
2021.Oct.11 02:45    134/75  (75bpm)
2021.Oct.11 22:35    138/85  (73bpm)
2021.Oct.11 22:40    133/82  (71bpm)