Things that seemed wrong to me, and were:
the demerits and dangers of the previous White House occupant being welcomed by his supporters, ignored by his allies, and vastly underestimated by his opponents.
Lincoln Project
Things i failed to see:
that '20/1/6 could happen;
that the thing seen then is bigger and older than any one individual.

President Biden will be one of the greatest Presidents, ranking with with Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt.
Thr goal of uniting the nation, and that of undoing the damage of the last four years, will not be achieved - in one term, or ever.
The Replublican party is finished.  Bush Jr will have been the last Republican Presidents (remotely worthy of the title).
The West is in terminal decline.
Over-40s can, without disadvantage, totally ignore the Chinese language.  Under-40s would be rash to do so.